Apr 24, 2010

Japan Travel: kobe 神戶

Kobe is one of the most famous harbor cities in southwestern of Japan, and it was also the first time that I came to visit a harbor in Japan.

Before I was heading to Kobe, the only thing I know is they have the best beef that I have ever tasted in my life. It's called "Kobe Beef". It renowned around the Asia. That is the only reason for me to come here. The fatness meat tasted very juicy and tenderness, it's hard to describe the delicious taste unless you try it.

After having a meal in "Kobe beef", it's time to starting the tour. Kobe is a very friendly and beautiful city. Some of the streets and special areas are combined with western and Mediterranean style architectures. It is lovely and fun, you also can discover many interesting stuffs and stores around the city.

At night, you can have a walk near the harbor, then you will see the night view is incredible and fantastic. The sparkling light with the Ferris wheel are shining on the surface of the see. It's so amazing and romantic.

I was very enjoyed traveling in Japan. When you having a great time to experience different culture and to have a tour here, you can also taste the wonderful food at the mean time. That's why I love Japan so much!

這是我第一次去日本的港口, 神戶港是日本其中著名的港口之一, 我真的很喜歡這裡, 白天可以很悠閒的在充滿著異國風情的地中海建築街道和中華街閒晃。在夜晚, 星光斑斑的夜景和摩天輪, 以及具有指標性的神戶塔, 形成一幅浪漫的圖畫夜景, 令人陶醉不已 。

既然都來到了神戶, 除了在當地觀光之外, 最不能錯過的就是揚名全亞洲的神戶牛肉, 即使價格偏高, 但絕對不會令你失望, 其實神戶牛肉只有在亞洲受歡迎, 因為它入口即化, 香嫩多汁的牛肉,大部分的外國人卻不怎麼喜歡, 但我真的是吃得很津津有味, 每次回想起來都無法忘懷它精緻的味道和細膩的口感。

來到日本旅行真的感到很滿足, 在體驗當地的文化和觀光的同時, 也能品嘗到會讓人感到幸福的料理, 讓你更能好好開心的享受這趟旅程。

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