May 7, 2010

Japan Travel: Nara park



Nara is an old city in Japan. It closed to Kyoto and Osaka. Nara remains full of historical treasures, including some of Japan's oldest and largest temples. That's why I like to walk on the street and enjoy the atmosphere.

The most famous park here is called "Nara Park", especially for the deers that lived in the park. They were very smart and edacious. They would chase behind you when you hold the deer's cookies in your hand. ( You can buy here) Furthermore, they would even try to bite through your bag or pants. However, I still love them and is attracted to their adorable appearances.


  1. 嗨,妳的照片都有一種很獨特的"泛黃"色調,讓人看了,有種懷舊風的感覺,請問妳是故意將照片拍成這種感覺嗎?呵,我不太懂攝影,只是欣賞之餘,起了好奇心...:)

    Best, Claude.

  2. hello!

    謝謝你的讚美, 嗯我是有做過後製的..^^
